The child’s mind is like a sponge, it absorbs everything it hears and sees. Our courses are all about acquiring a second language through play and song. We use engaging materials that trigger all senses, captivating the child’s interest and attaining their focus and attention. The course adopts a flexible approach to learning, which makes it suitable for different learning situations and styles. There is a strong emphasis on the use of stories, art and craft activities as well as songs which help young children engage in English. Activities which are simple, enjoyable and varied and always feasible and easily managed by young learners. Following the lives and stories of their heroes, pupils are encouraged to learn in the same way that native speakers do by listening and speaking first and learning to read and write with phonics.

What are the benefits of Early Foreign Language Studying?
-greater self-esteem in children
Ability to express themselves accurately
-developing a creative and logical thinking
-children gain a love of learning
-development of speech and communication skills
-mental development
-physical development
-hearing development
-sensory development
-social development
All courses can be taken in groups or one to one. Please Contact us for further information.